Friday 17 July 2015

Souvenirs All the Way from Hong Kong!

Well, this time round one of our travelling kaki, Anfield decided to ditch us and visit the magnificent land of Hong Kong with her other mates. We are all green with jealousy when we see those marvellous pictures she posted on her Facebook! I’ll get her to get her lazy arse up and do a write-up on Hong Kong soon.

To appease us, she has bribed us with these unbelievably cute miniature Nikon camera bought from Hong Kong. It’s actually memory sticks; you pull the “lens” out and the hidden USB connector is exposed. Cool isn’t it? I didn’t get two but one of it is for another crazy food junkie friend of ours. It’s actually a very good gift idea as it symbolises a memory for our friendship and we can store memorable pictures from our trips made together.

Picture taken with actual Nikon camera.
Stay tuned for more exciting upcoming posts!


  1. What do you mean I'm bribing you? NONSENSE HAHAHA!
    I'm glad you and xw like it! ^^

    1. You didn't bring us along to HK so you had to buy us these memory sticks! LOL Thank you though!

  2. Thanks once again nn... Sgt cutee.. Heheh... I will try whether its work or not hehe
